Hull Detailing 1 (before Hull Assembly)As with other boat I have built — like U-673 — I knew that a very challenging and time-consuming aspect would be the detailing of the hull. After all, there is SO much of it to work on! Hull detailing on my U-673 boat was very intensive, the most work I had ever done to that date... but I fully expect the hull work on U-505 to be even more. Having proven that some things are NOT impossible (just time consuming), I made my wishlist for hull modifications including the following:
Removing the Balcongerät Sonar ApparatusConsidering the point in U-505's career for which I am building the boat, the Balcongerät -- the streamlined passive-sonar array on the leading edge of the keel -- was not yet installed. As such, I need to replace it with a regular tapered keel leading edge.
STEP 1: Creating a blanking plate Items used:
Make a hole blanking plate from 0.040" sheet styrene, shaped to match the hole and then bent to match the curvature of the hull.
STEP 2: Making the keel leading edge Items used:
Cement 4 pieces of rectangular tube together as shown (2 wide, 2 high); this gives a keel end of perfect dimensions! ... then sand to shape.
Flood Hole TemplatesI chose to install the Eduard #53108 set, which contains very thin (0.0025") PE flood hole templates.
Lower Flood DoorsFrom the Eduard #53108 set, I am installing the numerous lower flood doors.