Conning Tower — Armament

U-190 was equipped with the following armament:

  • Aft upper tower deck: two (2x) double-barrel 2cm Flak C38 on M43U Zwilling mounts, with short shields
  • Aft lower wintergarten deck: Twin 3,7cm Flakzwilling M43U on LM42U mount


2,0cm AA Guns

On the aft upper tower deck, there were two (2x) double-barrel 2cm Flak C38 guns on M43U Zwilling mounts, with short shields

These guns were enhanced with the following detail sets:


Twin 3,7cm Cannon

On the aft lower tower deck, there was a twin-barrel 3,7cm Flakzwilling M43U on LM42U mount.

This cannon was enhanced with the following detail sets: